S.U.N. Festival 2018

Summer gathering of the Solar United Natives

Come and join the family :) The SUN Festival is happening again!

We can only thank You for this year’s wonderful festival, it was fantastic to see the many smiling faces everywhere, and the collaboration of the involved artists and members who heartily support the future of the S.U.N. We love you for your support! That’s why SUN is more than a festival.

The concept remains:
– to form the Solar United Natives ‘new consciousness’ community,
– to shape the green development of Csobánkapuszta,
– to invite friends for a family gathering in a fabulous location, where we can get closer to Nature, ourselves, thus to each other.

The program: more than 150 artists, unique visuals and decor, lectures, workshops, kid’s corner. The festival is Nature-caring and dog-friendly.

More info soon! For program details watch the website or our facebook page.

Performing Artists

6AM (DE) | Alexsoph (DE) | Ami Nikoe (IR) live | Anam Fio (DE) | Argon Sphere (SRB) live | Arhetip (SRB) live | Ascent (SRB) live | A-Tech (PT) live | Atati (UA) live | Atoned Splendor (CN) live | Audiact (PT) | A.U.M. (RO) live | AUManoid (FR) live | Baburs (MY) | Bat Stan (BE) | Ben Fraser(UK) | Ben Short (H) | Boom Shankar (DE) | BPM (SRB) live | Brian Grassfield (HU) live | Damnedge (MY) | DaoDe (AT) | Datacult (DE) live | Dense (DE) live | Djane ArcTara (AT) | Djane Cheeky (HU) | Djane Fernanda (IRL/BR) | Djane Feryne (HU) | Djane Freedu (GR) | Djane Lulu(UK/IT) | Djane Mara LeFay (UK) | Djane Micasphere (DE) | Djane Nikka (AT) | Djane Nimi (UK) | Djane Psychobiz (TH) | Djane Shivanki (NL) | Djane Snowdrop (UK) | Djane Soraya (MY) | Djane Woozle (DE) | Eclektic (CH) live | El Chupacabra (CZ) | Epsylon (USA) | Exolon (PT) live | Fluxo (PT) | Fohat (DE) | Fullip (AT) | Genetica (SRB) live | GMO (DE) live | Goa Bernie (AT) | GoaPal (BE) | Hashashin (BE) live | Ibojima (SE) live | JuliosMap (BR) | Kezo (HU) | Kimo (SRB) | Kory (HU) | Kundalini (BG) live | Lemon Tree (UK) live | Liquid Illusion (MAC) | Liquid Ross (UK) | Lucky (HU) | LX-D (DE) | Marco Scherer (DE) live | Mc Fedora (HU) | Merlin & Lydia DeLay (SRB) live | Mho (HU) | Mind Lab (ESP) live | Miso(HU) | Mobitex (ISR) live | Morphic Resonance (ES) live | Mozza (SRB) | Mush (HU) | Mutterkorn (DE) | NAGYEDIproject (HU) live in concert | Nest of Noise (IT) | Oleg (H) | OMatix (HU) live | Ondrej Psyla (CZ) | Oshii (HU) | Origin (AT) | Overdrive (UK/PT) live | Pálmester (HU) | Phase Phour (NOR) live | Pinpin (ISR) | Pinto (CR) | Pion (SRB) | Pollux (HU) | PsiloCybian (CRO) live | Psyshadeliyac (IR) live | Psymon (HU) | Psypha(DE) | Radzy (MY) | Rix (AT) | Sabretooth (UK) live | Scheibosan (AT) | Sidewinder (SRB) live | Siklay (IL) | Skarma (HU) live | Snag The Sunshepherd (HU) live | Somatic Cell (IL) live | Soul Kontakt (MLT) | Sound Control (SRB) live | Special K (UK) | StereOMantra (HU) live | Styr0x(FIN) live | Styropian (PL) | Subliminal Codes (SRB) live | Suduaya (FR) live | Sundi & Tatoo (HU) | The Key (SRB) live | Tiefenrausch (AT) | Tobias ‘TB’ Bassline (DE) | Toge (HU) | Tomato (HU) | Triforce (AUS) live | Try2Fly (MAC) live | Unknownium (CRO) live (PsiloCybian sideproject PREMIER!) | Urucum (AT) live | Vertex (SRB) live | Waveform (GR) | Wape (HU) …and more to be announced soon!

Deco & Visual

Janis Worldbridger (LV) | ZumArt | Full Kolor | Mangroforest | Shamanic Frequencies | Lumasophists Visuals (DE) | SEE Visuals (Transylvania) | Dharmatronic | MHO Production | Sacra Geometria …and many friends. More updates soon!




* 55 € – limited
* additional tickets later
* 100 € – at the gate (if we don’t reach our capacity for the venue)
* 65 € – weekend (also presale)

Support the S.U.N. – Become a Member

Lifetime memberships are available for € 200 in limited quantity on our website:

Members can take part of the festival by participating with their art or knowledge.
Entrance for S.U.N. Members is FREE!

Hope to see you there !!! :)

Our WinterSUN 2017 official event: facebook.com/events/947574175391735/

Vote for performing artists here: solarunitednatives.org/vote-for-new-artists (only for Members)


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